Friday, October 23, 2015

Joined By One Treasure

'Never think that geographical distance can separate souls whom God has united by the ties of His love. The children of the world are separated from one another because their hearts are in different places; but the children of God, having their hearts where their treasure is, and sharing only one treasure, which is the same God, are consequently always united and joined together.'

St. Francis de Sales


  1. Yes! And we bloggers are testimony to that truth. Though we be distant and physically separated we gather together on the front porches of our minds, hearts, and souls to share our faith, love and inspiration for our Lord and one another. So grateful for unity and your inspiring and beautiful expressions here and all the other wonderful porches I am privileged to visit!! God bless your connections here!!

    1. I LOVE the thought of us all gathering on the front porches of our minds and heart and souls!!! I have a huge soft spot in my heart for front porches, having grown up chatting with neighbors and friends on them. Balmy summer nights, the sound of crickets, trains whistling in the distance..... thank you for such a wonderful image!
