Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Chance For Virtue

"The worst thing that can befall persons who have good will is to want to be what they cannot be and not want to be what they necessarily must be.  They conceive desires to do great things, which perhaps will never be expected of them; in the meantime, they neglect the little things which God puts into their hands.  There are thousands of acts of virtue, as for example:

to bear little troubles and the imperfections of our neighbors;
to suffer a biting word or some little injustice;
to repress a harsh word;
to mortify a little attachment or curiosity;
to refrain from giving a bit of news;
to excuse an indiscretion;
to be condescending toward others in little things -
these are for everyone, so why not practice them?"
                                                                                   (St. Francis de Sales) 
(Mary Cassattt painting public domain)


  1. Thank you for your very thoughtful post. I may have to copy that and put it in my prayer book for a little reminder.

    1. Thank you for the comment, Monica. I find so much wisdom in the writings of St. Francis de Sales!

  2. More wise words from St Francis deSales. I sometimes wonder if part of our judgement before Our Lord will include showing us all the missed opportunities for grace in our lives.
    Thanks for sharing more from this great saint, Nancy.

    1. Thanks, Karinann. Your words about missed opportunities for grace struck an immediate chord in me. I had a friend (now deceased) who used to say, when sufferings and challenges came to his life: "what an opportunity!!!" May we not let chances for grace, both large and small, pass by unused..

  3. Hi Nancy,
    I read this and think about how many opportunities I miss each day. Thank you for posting it. "God is in the details." (I can't remember who said this but it makes sense.)

  4. This is a beautiful post and a very timely one for me. Thank you for following my blog and I look forward to reading more of your posts. Your writing is so lovely.

    1. Thank you, Kathleen, for such kind words. Welcome! I look forward to reading your posts as well!
